Comprehensive Leadership Development 

“Everything rises and falls with leadership.” – John Maxwell

According to Dr. Gerald Bell, “Leadership is the only sustainable advantage in any business. Everything else can be copied.” Smart executives know having strong leadership teams gives them a competitive edge over their competitors. Effective leaders contribute to attracting and retaining employees, getting excellent results, driving change, and enhancing the brand.

Unfortunately, the majority of the existing companies don’t have enough strong leaders. Most of them struggle to keep up with the demands of the changing workforce. These result in high attrition rates, failed initiatives for change, dysfunctional work cultures, and overall poor business results. Third Way Inc. gets it, and we’re here to help you level up your leadership game to take your business to new heights.

Executive Coaching

“Dr. Mark Hinderliter has been my Executive Coach and helped me successfully navigate the very challenging first eighteen months of my new leadership role.” – Kristyn Martinez, Director of Human Resources, Proman USA

Executives carry the heavy weight of the responsibility to successfully manage departments, divisions, and companies. There’s too much at stake, and leaders shouldn’t bear everything on their own. They deserve a trusted advisor who can guide them through the ups and downs of their leadership journey.

Third Way Inc.’s executive coaching program aims to make the executive’s role less stressful and more fulfilling. We start by assessing the leadership style of an individual. Then, we’ll identify areas for development, which can make the biggest difference in the dynamics of a team. There will also be regular conversations to make sure goals are achieved.

Leadership Development

“Diamond Quality Leadership has been instrumental in the development of my leadership skills. Specifically, improving my communication and coaching skills have helped me keep my workforce on the same page pulling in the same direction.” – Jay Locatelli, Owner, Integrity Inspections.

Companies often overlook the fact that leadership training doesn’t guarantee knowledge and skills retention. A few sessions won’t automatically improve an executive’s performance. HBR, Forbes, Inc.’s report says most businesses spend billions on training and don’t receive a good return on investment because executives tend to go back to their old ways. However, companies can’t keep wasting resources.

Dr. Mark Hinderliter developed Diamond Quality Leadership © to instill principles that are critical to leading today’s ever-changing workforce. This program lays out a strong foundation of leadership skills, while personalized coaching helps with practical applications on the job. Coaching is the key differentiator of our DQL. Reach out to us today to learn about this unique offering.